I pulled out the ornaments today and did some replacing and repairs, as they tend to get beaten up each season. Our ornaments have evolved over the years and they don't follow the strict tradition. For us, it's turned into a time to walk through Salvation History in a chronological order, so our kids can understand the story of our family.
When I was making mine it was helpful to have some examples to get ideas flowing, so I'm posting what we do, in hopes that it can helps those who are taking on the adventure... which I highly recommend you do! For the order we pulled out some main events from the Bible Timeline. The scripture verses for where you will find each section is listed, but please don't think we read all of what is included!
Creation - World (Genesis 1-2:3)
The Fall - Apple (Genesis 3)
Noah’s Ark - Rainbow (Genesis 6:9-9:17)
Tower of Babel - Tower (Genesis 11:1-9)
Blessing to Abraham - Stars and Sand (Genesis 12:1-3 and 15:4-5)
Sacrifice of Issac - Wood Bundle (Genesis 22:1-18)
Jacob Steals Esau’s Blessing - Lamb (Genesis 27:1-29)
Joseph and his Brothers - Coat of Many Colors (Genesis 37-45)
The Plagues and 1st Passover - Door with Blood (Exodus 6-13)
God Provides Manna - Bread (Exodus 16)
Ten Commandments - Tablet (Exodus 20)
The Promise Land - Grapes (Numbers 13)
Aaron becomes High Priest - Stick with Flower (Numbers 17)
Bronze Serpent Heals the Israelites - Serpent on Stick (Numbers 21:4-8)
Fall of Jericho - Crumbled Wall (Joshua 6)
Samson’s Strength - Pillar (Judges 14-16)
Samuel and Saul - Crown (1 Samuel 15)
David and Goliath - Sling Shot (1 Samuel 17 and 2 Samuel 7)
David and Goliath - Sling Shot (1 Samuel 17 and 2 Samuel 7)
Solomon and the Division - Torn Kingdom (1 Kings 12)
Elijah and Elisha - Mantel (1 Kings 18-19 and 2 Kings 1-2)
Jonah - Whale (Jonah)
Exile and Persecution - Furnace (2 Kings 17)
Zerubbable is allowed to Lead the Jews - Scroll (Ezra 3)
Nehemiah Rebuilds Jerusalem - Wall (Nehemiah 2: 11-20)
Ezra Reads the Law to the Jews - Heart (Nehemiah 8)
Esther - Crown (Esther)
Maccabees Revolt - Shield (1 Maccabees 1-3)
Purification of the Temple - Candle (1 Maccabees 4)
The Annunciation - Mary (Luke 1:26-38)
Birth of Christ - Star (Matthew 2)
Let me know if you have any specific questions about materials or how I made a particular ornament! Happy Advent!