Friday, November 12, 2010

Living Liturgically Audio Talk

Earlier this year I gave a talk on living liturgically in your home at my Church's MOPS group (Mother's of Preschoolers, love the program, but the name makes me think of cleaning my kitchen floor). "Living liturgically" is a fancy way of saying modeling your home life with the seasons of the Church.

The talk gives my 3 reasons for why we live liturgically and then walks through a year of the Church's calendar. I give explanations for what we teach in each season, why we teach it and how we can teach it. The scrolling pictures in the video are some examples of what we have done or made in the past few months.

It was so good for me to put this talk together and it gave me some motivation to take the time to plan meaningful experiences for my kids. My prayer is it will do the same for you. Sorry about the baby chatter in the background, but what is a moms group without baby chatter!