Monday, February 14, 2011

St. Valentine's Day

Happy St. Valentine's Day! I made my first ever cheesecake today!

It looks yummy, but we'll see how it tastes in about an hour when Kevin returns home from Mexico City! I'm sure he'll post about it sometime this week, but for now I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a sparkly Our Lady of Guadalupe statue from my Valentine.

Today consisted of a lot of hearts.

There were pancakes...


(Looks like I need to change a lightbulb. Funny, I had forgotten about that until I saw this picture.)

and heart cookies to go with our pocket full of love cards for our friends, who we spent the afternoon delivering these bundles too.

We added a cross to each plate because Jesus is the ultimate Valentine!

Check out my little chef working hard!

We also read this biography of St. Valentine, which I picked up at the library, hooray! Although little can be known of this man who was a priest and martyr, it gives some of the legendary background of where the traditions of today's celebration come from.

I hope your day was a sweet as ours!