Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas Lunch

For the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas we had a special star lunch today!

St. Thomas Aquinas is the patron saint of students, so I think it's quite fitting for any family with kiddos to celebrate this day! You could easily pack this meal up for a fun sack lunch (maybe replace the strawberries with starfruit?) or serve it at home if you homeschool like us!

P.S. The star is St. Thomas Aquinas' symbol because of the Divine guidance he was given to write his many works, including the Summa.

For grain and protein, we had toasted whole wheat english muffins with peanut butter.

For fruit and dairy/more protein I cut strawberries in half length wise, set them up like a star and filled the middle with Greek yogurt for dipping.

And for more dairy I cut stars out of provolone and cheddar cheese slices.

Finally, for dessert I made star jam tarts. They have no nutritional value. Just mix 1 c. of softened butter with 1/3 c. of sugar, then add 1 3/4 c. of flour and a pinch of salt. Roll them out like sugar cookies (use lots of flour to keep the dough from sticking to the counter or rolling pin), put a small spoonful of jam onto the middle of a star base, and top the star base with a picture frame star. Bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees.

Don't forget to finish your meal with the Litany of St. Thomas Aquinas!

While I made lunch Pal entertained Peanut with the star cookie cutter that was too big for the english muffins, tarts, and cheese.

They are already best buds.

Be saints, it's worth it!