Friday, February 28, 2014

Stations of the Cross Candles

For a few years now I have been wanting to make Stations of the Cross candles, but I never got around to buying the supplies. This week I've been working on a mega Lent ideas post and as I was adding them to the "other ideas" section I realized that I currently had the supplies for this project on hand! In about 5 minutes it was done and I can't wait...

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Journey Across America: Vermont

This post is part of a 50 state Journey Across America. For information on the basics of this project check out this post. The Books: We began by reading M is for Maple Syrup and then Bean used the information she learned to make a notebook page for her United States scrapbook. There were lots of books for Vermont...

Monday, February 24, 2014

Ideas for March Feast Days and Celebrations

Here are some of our favorite traditions for the month of March. This is by no means an exhaustive list, rather it's my way of creating a resource that I plan to revisit each year for myself! I hope you can find it beneficial as well! Month of St. Joseph Our family only celebrates three days during March because the month is typically during the...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Jesus Path: Our Ornaments

Last year my family started a new Lenten tradition which we now call "The Jesus Path". Each day during Lent we read a story about the life of Christ and then add a symbol to a long ribbon which serves as our "path". It's our way of continuing the story we started in Advent, when we added symbols to our Jesse Tree, as we learned about Salvation History....

Monday, February 17, 2014

Ideas for Classically Catholic Memory: Gamma Year: Week 11

Classically Catholic Memory: Gamma Year: Week 11 I'm blogging my way through our four year curriculum program so I don't forget everything that worked for us! Please feel free to use what works for your family and share in the comments anything you would add. For more on Classically Catholic Memory go here. Religion Lesson 1 This week's bible...

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ideas for Classically Catholic Memory: Gamma Year: Week 10

Classically Catholic Memory: Gamma Year: Week 10 I'm blogging my way through our four year curriculum program so I don't forget everything that worked for us! Please feel free to use what works for your family and share in the comments anything you would add. For more on Classically Catholic Memory go here. Religion This week we transition from...

Monday, February 3, 2014

American Girl Unit Studies: Kaya

American Girl Historical Characters have been a part of my life for over twenty years. I can remember reading their stories as a child and getting Samantha for my 9th birthday. I was thrilled when Bean took to them as well. Now that our CCM history sentences are covering American history over the next year and a half, we are incorporating 9 of the...