Bean – 2nd Grade
We used this program last year and I'm happily using it again. It is very different from how I was taught math, so sometimes I doubt their methods, but once we finish a lesson and Bean understands the concepts I mentally apologize. At this level there is minimal prep, so I typically look at the lesson between breaks, grab the supplies needed, and we are ready to go. They use lots of hands-on manipulatives and tons of card games for mastering math facts, so Bean rarely complains about math.
I get an A+ on this one. We completed the entire program. Wait I skipped the very last lesson on introducing negative numbers. I still get an A+.
I get an A+ on this one. We completed the entire program. Wait I skipped the very last lesson on introducing negative numbers. I still get an A+.
I don’t really like this program, but it’s free from our public homeschool support program. We used it last year and it worked, but I very loosely use their methods. At the end of the day she knows her parts of speech and can diagram basic sentences, so that works for now. Next year we will switch to IEW, which seems to be the program of choice for most of my friends, but I didn’t want to splurge on it just yet.
I warned you, I don't like the program, so it's no surprise that I ditched is 3/4 of the way through the year and went ahead and began IEW. Well pick IEW back up again in the fall.
We’ve used this since preschool and are still very happy with the fun and creative way that they teach penmanship. If we can breeze through the 2nd grade book I’ll move on to cursive, which Bean is pleading for.
The book is complete, but we never made it to cursive, however that is in the plans for next year. If you ever use this program know that you don't need the teacher edition once you get past the initial teaching of the letters (preschool and kindergarten levels). Bean just took the book and filled out a few pages a week on her own.
We use this as a fun supplement for copy work and a bit of art. The program teaches the child how to draw a simple object and then has them copy a few short sentences about their object. So far Bean really enjoys doing each lesson even although she’s not typically into drawing and coloring.
We use this as a fun supplement for copy work and a bit of art. The program teaches the child how to draw a simple object and then has them copy a few short sentences about their object. So far Bean really enjoys doing each lesson even although she’s not typically into drawing and coloring.
She made it through the first unit on farm animals, but we stopped there. It was supplemental fun, so I don't have to feel bad. I think she stopped around the time Peanut was born.
We did levels 1 and 2 of All About Spelling last year and I was happy with their approach. It’s hands-on and logical. The child is given a spelling principle explaining why we spell certain words a certain way, then the words for that lesson use that principle. Maybe I missed something in my education, but I remember spelling being a list of random words that you memorized and nobody told me things like “English words don’t end in “i”, so we use “y”. I was a terrible speller with this approach. So, I too am learning how (or more so WHY) to spell.
Done, done, done! We are now using the cards for spelling quizzes throughout the summer. I'd rather her not forget everything she learned.
Reading Eggs is an awesome online program that has several components, including one for spelling. Bean is learning where the letters are on the keyboard, as well as how to spell with this supplemental program. Try it out for two weeks for free.
We did this, but not as consistently as I thought we would. I think it's because the words started to get beyond her ability, making the lesson too difficult.
Reading Comprehension
After a child has completed the Reading Eggs component which teaches them how to read, they move on to Reading Express, which focuses on reading comprehension. Bean has been working her way through the program and sees this computer time as a treat. It has an avatar element where your kids can play games with other kids, just a heads up. We don't use it because avatars creep me out.
Bean continues to love this program and we continue to use it!
One day a week Bean goes to a public homeschool options program with other homeschooled kids and this is where she works on her writing skills. Other than that, I have her write stories once in a while, but nothing formal. Sorry, no real insight on writing here.
She had a fantastic teacher and we are looking forward to bringing writing home next year with IEW. (Bean's signed up for a Lego class, which left no room for writing at her options program. Priorities, I know.)
Classically Catholic Memory - Gamma Year
For the following subjects we use the memory work laid out by Classically Catholic Memory as the backbone of our studies.
For more on what this looks like check out my Classically Catholic Memory tab for bi-weekly wrap ups.
Um, just read through these posts. Yes, we completed all 18 weeks, no my kids do not have everything memorized. I'm looking forward to Delta year!
Social Studies
Because we are studying North America in geography this year, we are focusing on one state each week until we've covered all 50 states. Here are the basics on my insane goal.
The textbook behind the project. We don't use the workbook, as it's for 4th graders, but the textbook has worked well for us.
We are still loving our Journey Across America, but we are way behind on finishing it by the end of the summer. This week we are on our 30th state, Wisconsin. There is no way I can pull off 20 states in 12 weeks. I guess we'll just keep trucking until we get it done!
We purchased Rosetta Stone last year and Bean made her way through the first 3 units. It’s an investment, but it will take her 6 years to get through it at this pace, plus Pal and baby Cotter will be able to use it as well. Dividing the curriculum out this way makes it about $20.00 per child per year and any other Spanish program would be more than that... not to mention I can’t teach Spanish. We did not get the homeschool edition, and I personally don’t think it is necessary.
We purchased Rosetta Stone last year and Bean made her way through the first 3 units. It’s an investment, but it will take her 6 years to get through it at this pace, plus Pal and baby Cotter will be able to use it as well. Dividing the curriculum out this way makes it about $20.00 per child per year and any other Spanish program would be more than that... not to mention I can’t teach Spanish. We did not get the homeschool edition, and I personally don’t think it is necessary.
Bean moved on to level 2 in the 5 level program. I was hoping she'd get a bit further, but really, so long as she finished before high school, we're good.
This one is purely for fun… and it was free from our public homeschool support program, so why not. The kids think it's funny. I can cook dinner when they watch it. I like Muzzy.
We rarely watched Muzzy.
Music, P.E., and Drama
We get these "specials" covered at our one day a week public homeschool options program. I can't sing, P.E. with two kids is awkward, and the only role I've ever taken on in a play is that of a poppy flower in Holy Spirit's 8th grade production of the Wizard of Oz. I believe I had two lines, one to the effect of "Girls, let stop arguing, we all know that I'm the prettiest flower in the field." That was important for my self esteem.
Pal - Pre-K
We used these workbooks with Bean and are now using them with Pal. They cover all the main concepts a preschooler should be learning, such as basic math and alphabet skills, as well as concepts and reasoning. I like the set because it is affordable and often has the kids doing cut and paste projects. It's also christian, so you get church bells and bibles mixed into the exercises. Instead of doing one book at a time, we rotate through the books doing 2-3 pages total each day.
Pal completed all of the workbooks! I'll probably use them again with Peanut... in 5 years.
So far this book has worked as the starting point of reading for both of our kids. It is very easy to follow as the teacher and I love how comprehensive it is.
I had hoped to complete all 100 lessons this year, but we only made it to lesson 80. The kid is 5, so I'm not concerned. We did a lot of readers along with the lessons so were were not doing one lesson a day, it was more like 2 a week. I hope to complete the last 20 lessons this summer.
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I adore these sweet little readers that teach lessons on virtue and the Catholic faith. They can be used as an entire reading program, but Pal only reads the stories in them for some supplemental fun.
I adore these sweet little readers that teach lessons on virtue and the Catholic faith. They can be used as an entire reading program, but Pal only reads the stories in them for some supplemental fun.
We finished Reader A. Reader B will be used next year!
Pal is using the main component of this online program for supplemental practice with learning how to read. It's also great for basic computer skills!
As a heads up, I have a whole post on what we've used for teaching our kids to read. Check it out for more ideas!
He completed 100 of the 120 lessons and is doing well. I imagine he'll finish the last 20 lessons over the summer.
I mentioned this progam above, and here is a whole post on it!
I mentioned this progam above, and here is a whole post on it!
The book is complete.
Another program from the fine people who created Reading Eggs, Mathseeds is a supplemental program that lets mom make dinner in peace... sometimes. It's really impressive and sometimes I want to watch him do it, instead of make dinner, because it is so entertaining.
Pal loved this program and made it through the first 75 lessons. The quiz to get to lesson 76 stumped him, as they were starting to introduce division and he was still working on understanding subtraction.
That's it! Plans vs. Reality.
Let's see how do I feel? Pretty good. I obviously planned more than we could handle, but I think that is better than planning less and realizing that you don't have enough. The key is to let go of some of your plans when necessary.
Here's the take away lesson for newbies to homeschooling. Curriculum plans always get tweaked, don't freak out, you're not failing.