Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Good Shepherd's Garden Party: Week 2

Inspired by Jessica and Charlotte we have an Easter tradition in our home of celebrating the entire Easter season with the Garden of the Good Shepherd. The program consists of a daily prayer time in which you add a scripture inspired sticker to your garden. By the end of Easter season your scene is filled with reminders of Jesus, the good shepherd, and heaven.

This is our 3rd year having a weekly garden party at the end of each themed week. For dinner on Saturday we incorporate each sticker into our meal and talk about what we've learned from our nightly prayer time. It's a favorite tradition in our home and one that keeps the season of Easter alive.

Week 2: Welcome to the Lord's Table!

This week we discussed how heaven will be like a banquet. It is by far the easiest week to put together, as most of the symbols are already food. This was great for me since Bean made her First Communion this weekend and I didn't have time to pull off anything fancy!

Day 8 and 9: The Table and The Chairs: Um, do I even need to explain this one?

You could be more fun than me and let the kids decorate the tables and chairs with balloons and crepe paper.

Day 10: The Bread: Bread

Take and bake loaf from the bakery. I'm not even going to pretend like this is homemade.

Day 11: The Wine: Wine

For the kids we mixed some sprite and grape juice.

Day 12: The Milk: Milk

We also had ice cream for dessert, but alas, no photo of that one. I did if for you really... I didn't want you to get jealous that we were having ice cream and you are not. Or, maybe you are eating a bowl as you read this. Sometimes I do that... read blogs and eat ice cream. Okay, you win, I should have taken a photo.

Day 13: The Pot of Honey: Honey BBQ Chicken Strips

Again, no pretending here, these are courtesy of Tyson. In the past I've made honey baked chicken and honey roasted red potatoes, but I had a Sacrament celebration to attend to, so real food got the boot this year.

Day 14: The Fruit: Fruit Salad

We ate fruit salad ad nauseam over the weekend, but nobody complained.

Be saints, it's worth it!