Friday, January 28, 2011
St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians
I (Kevin) am currently writing a Bible study on 1 Corinthians. Last year, I was sitting in on a class at the Augustine Institute with some missionaries who were visiting Denver. My friend and mentor Dr. Sri was teaching the class on 1 Corinthians and made the remark to everyone, "If I were going to write one Bible study for college students, it would be 1 Corinthians." So, this year I decided to do just that.
The amazing part about 1 Corinthians is that despite being written almost 2,000 years ago there is so much application for college students (and all of us) today.
For instance, St. Paul talks about how the Corinthians trust in the wisdom of the world and the philosophies of their day instead of the wisdom of God (1 Cor. 1-2). It's easy to think the Corinthians are foolish, but then we realize how much we do this today. How do we allow the media to influence how we think and act? How do we allow the philosophies of today dampen our faith or trust in our Church? (See CCC 2727) Are we willing to stand up in the classroom for what we believe in the face of the wisdom of our professors?
One of the main issues in the letter seems to have nothing to do with us--the eating of meat sacrificed to idols (1 Cor 8-10). Some of the people in Corinth think it is okay to eat because they know that there is only one God. St. Paul reveals that they are setting a bad example for other Christians who still struggle not to worship pagan gods. They also are subjecting themselves to the temptations that the pagan temples bring--drunkenness and sexual immorality.
College students are faced with similar challenges today even if they don't involve meat sacrificed to idols. There is nothing wrong with drinking if you are over 21, but should you really go to a party that is surrounded by a culture of drunkenness and sexual immorality? Is this a good example for other Catholics on campus? What kind of temptations are you subjecting yourself to?
In a Corinthian culture that loved Olympic games, St. Paul uses an athletic analogy. If an Olympic athlete can exercise and work hard to win an event (and a crown of withered celery), how much harder should we work to preach the Gospel to others to earn an imperishable crown? (1 Cor 9:24-27). I don't have to do too much work to see how this applies to us today.
The study also addresses topics like: choosing a Vocation, the influence of the media, the Church’s teaching on contraception, the pursuit of holiness, developing the zeal to evangelize, and discerning our spiritual gifts among others.
Overall, the theme for the study on Corinthians is: What does it mean to live in the world, but not of it? We are a people set apart, but we are also called to engage the world and bring Christ to it. As our culture is beginning to look more and more like the pagan city of Corinth, my hope is that this Bible study can help students learn and live out the valuable insights of St. Paul.
(For an introduction to 1 Corinthians as a whole, check out the study bible my friend, Mark Giszczak wrote.)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Holy Medal Earrings
Ladies, I am happy to bring to you the latest Catholic trend, fresh from the FOCUS conferences. The on-campus missionaries are the ones who keep me up to date on trendy ways to share your faith with style, so today I'm happy to pass their wisdom on to you.
Presenting, holy medal earrings...
Presenting, holy medal earrings...
"Where in the world can I get these?", you ask. "They are so cute!" I know, I know, but remember, I didn't invent them... I'm not sure who did. I believe some vendors were selling them at the conferences, but I decided to make my own.
All you need are medals and hooked wire, found in the jewelry making section at any craft store.
I suggest mini-medals, as opposed to the standard sized medals, but you can do whatever you want, they are your ears. One missionary even had the big circle St. Benedict medals, those were awfully stylish too. I bought about 50 mini Miraculous Medals for 3 euros when I was in Rome in college and still have several that I haven't given away. They were blessed by JP II.... it's pretty sweet. If you want me to send you a pair of medals, post a comment and I'll hook you up.
I removed the wire loop on top of the medal so they face out as opposed to the side.
Then I slid them on the loop. Neither of these tasks required any special tools, I just used my hands to pull the metal apart.
Now you too can be the cutest Catholic in your pew.
(I took that picture myself, with the help of my bathroom mirror, I felt very innovative for a few minutes.)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Homemade felt bags for $2.00
Look what I made for $2.00 each!
These easy to make bags are made out of felt sheets and can be tailored for all sorts of uses. The ones above are library bags which I made for Christmas presents. I put a book in each one to complete the gift. I've also made these for a Halloween candy bag...
If you were to make plain solid colored bag without a decorated front it would cost only about a dollar!
Here is what you will need...
- 5 sheets of 9x13 felt (for the bag)
- 1 sheet of a different colored felt for decorating the bag
- Scissors (big and small)
- Tacky Glue
- Cardboard
- Pins
- Thread and a sewing machine (not pictured)
Step 1: Decorate the front of your bag. I just printed out letters and pinned them onto the dark blue felt and cut them out. The little scissors were helpful for the centers of the letters. Glue them on with tacky glue and let dry. You can also buy precut felt letters that have a sticky back.
Step 2: Get ready to assemble the top portion of the bag. For the back use a plain sheet of felt, for the sides cut one sheet directly down the middle for two even sides.
As an option you can sew a little piece of felt into the inside back of the bag for a library card holder. This piece comes from a scrap in a few steps later.
Step 3: Sew the sides, back and front of the bag together...
then complete the rectangle.
When sewing make sure to sew the pieces together with the same length of seam. I just followed along the presser foot to ensure this.
Step 4: Get ready to assemble the bottom of your bag. The bottom of the bag should be the same width as the sides of the bag. I just used the sides as my guide for where to cut the sheet. Then I cut the extra piece in half for the card holder in the back of the bag.
Step 5: Cut out a piece of the cardboard that is slightly smaller than the bottom of the bag,...
sandwich it between the pieces of felt and pin it in.
Step 6: Sew the cardboard between the pieces of flet and cut the corners to reduce bulk fabric.
Step 7: Pin the bottom of the bag into the assembled top portion of the bag and sew it in place.
Step 8: Get ready to assemble the handles of the bag. Cut a piece of felt in half, the cut the half piece in half and then cut the quarter pieces in half to create 4 strips.
Step 9: Sew two of the strips together for added reinforcement of the handles. Repeat for the other two strips so you have two handles.
Step 10: Pin and sew the handles into the back and front of the bag.
I did two levels of stitching and back stitched over it a few times for reinforcement.
And there you have it!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Catholicism and Mormonism: Part 3 of 2
Ok, so I just wanted to add one more link about Mormonism.
Lisa and I watched the PBS Frontline special on Mormonism last week.
If you want a deeper picture of Mormonism, this is a great place to start. It consists of 2 parts, each 2 hours long.
You can also watch it online for free. Here is the link: http://www.pbs.org/mormons/
The program is on the right side.
Lisa and I watched the PBS Frontline special on Mormonism last week.
If you want a deeper picture of Mormonism, this is a great place to start. It consists of 2 parts, each 2 hours long.
You can also watch it online for free. Here is the link: http://www.pbs.org/mormons/
The program is on the right side.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Catholicism and Mormonism: When Mormons Come to Your Door Part 2
Part 2 of 2: A Brief Apologetic with Additional Resources
Because Mormons send out over 50,000 missionaries each year, there is a good chance that one of them has knocked at your door in the past. Being in the west, there is a much stronger presence of Mormons then when we were in Kansas. As I said before, since our neighbors are Mormon, we have had 3 or 4 sets of Mormon missionaries in our house for a total of 10 or more visits in the past year. So, what goes on when Mormons come to your door and how should you respond as a Catholic?
Your goal is to share with them the Catholic faith and why you are Catholic (assuming the person reading this is Catholic :) ) At times, we have felt like not having Mormon missionaries in our house, especially after having different missionaries into our home several times. But, I think it is important to talk to people about the faith whenever you have the opportunity, especially if they are willing to come to your front door! The missionaries that we have spoke to told us that they enter one home for about every 100 doors they knock on. They will be very excited if you invite them into your house.
If they share with you about their faith, it is only natural for you to share why you believe what you believe as well. I always tell them that I am interested in the truth. If they have the truth, then I will accept it. This is a true statement even if I don’t believe they have the truth.
The goal of a Mormon missionary when they come to your door is to have you baptized in the Mormon Church. They beginning with the story of Joseph Smith and tell of the visions he received (for more on these read part 1). Essential to these visions is the idea that all Churches were false and that through the angel Moroni, God gave Joseph Smith the Book of Mormon to restore the Church from falsehood.
So, how did the Church run into error? The Mormons believe in what they call the Great Apostasy. After the death of the last Apostle, they believe that no one had the authority to correctly teach the faith. Because of this, the Church slowly fell away from the teachings of Jesus and became corrupted. They will claim that the Protestant Reformation made some strides in coming back to the truth, but that the revelations of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon were needed to establish the true Church once again.
Overall, you goal is to be charitable, defend the Church from their attacks, give your testimony, and show why you believe that Joseph Smith is not a true prophet.
1. Be Charitable
Hopefully, this is easy. Invite them in. Give them something to drink and have a snack on hand. Most Mormon missionaries have never experienced Catholics who can articulate their faith and do so with hospitality. They might not remember anything we say, but my hope is that they remember what it was like to be in our home and how we treated them with respect. I honestly think this impacts them more than any arguments.
2. Defend the Church from their misunderstandings.
When they bring up the Great Apostasy, it is a good time to step in and explain what the Catholic Church believes. This should be your main topic. Ironically, Mormons and Catholics both have a very strong belief about Apostolic authority. Catholics believe that this line of authority started with the Apostles and continues today. Mormons believed it was discontinued until Joseph Smith and continues in their Church today. Mormons will tell you either Mormons or Catholics are the true Church because of this. The Great Apostasy is really the determining factor.
The missionaries will begin to use Scripture mainly from the New Testament to try to show that Jesus and the Apostles foretold of the Great Apostasy. Here are some verses they might use: Mt. 24:4-12; Mk.. 13:21-23; Lk. 21:7-8; Acts 20:29-30; 2 Thess. 2:1-12; 2 Tim. 3:1-7; 2 Tim. 4:1-4; 2 Pet. 2:1-3; and Jude 17-19.
Many of these verses talk about believers falling away from the faith. However, none of them speak to the entire Church falling away. Plus, if you read them in context, some of them don’t even apply whatsoever. The sharpest missionary who came to our house was the son of a Mormon seminary professor. After I refuted several of these verses, he finally admitted that none of them directly foretold of the Great Apostasy.
Not only do their verses not prove the Great Apostasy, there are several Bible verses that are directly opposed to this idea.
I think the best two are the following:
Matthew 16:17-19
And Jesus answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
The gates of hell should not prevail over the Church. If the authority of the Church fell away after the last Apostle, then this statement is not true. The gates of hell did overcome the Church and reeked havoc for 1600 years.
John 14:16-18
I will ask the Father and He will send you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows it. But you know it, because it remains with you, and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans.
How could we go into such darkness and falsehood with the Spirit of Truth?
Giving verses back-and-forth can only take you so far because Mormons do not look at Scripture the same way that Catholics and Protestants do. They are much more intent on trusting in the message of Joseph Smith and their conviction by the Holy Spirit about his message. I don’t think you should spend too much time on it, but I also think it is important to defend the Catholic Church.
3. Give Your Testimony
Testimony is very important for Mormons. They will almost always share their testimony with you--that they believe in Jesus Christ and that they know that the book of Mormon is true. I think it is important to share your testimony as well. It helps show that you are a person of faith that has been convicted of your beliefs.
So, how do you give a testimony? Well, it doesn’t have to be anything elaborate or detailed. If you are a person of faith, chances are you had a point in your life when you made a definitive decision to practice your faith. Just tell them what your life was like before you made this decision, why you came to this decision, and what your life has been like with your faith (for instance, the power of the Eucharist in your life). Again, this doesn’t have to be elaborate.
No matter what the discussion is, a Mormon missionary will almost always end the conversation by asking you to read the book of Mormon and to see if the Holy Spirit convicts you that it is the word of God. The conviction will come in the form of a feeling.
A few problems with this:
1. Historians have shown that the Book of Mormon contains many verses from the King James Bible. So, the Book of Mormon will sound a lot like the word of God.
2. I would challenge the claim itself. Feelings are subjective. In fact, while I have used reason to back up my Catholic beliefs, I also have several feelings associated with it as well. How do we know that something as subjective as feelings and emotions prove something?
3. At no other time has a true prophet asked anyone to do this. In fact, in Galatians 1:6-8, St. Paul gives us a very clear way of knowing what messages to accept:
“I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and turning to a different gospel -- not that there is another gospel, but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you, let him be accursed” (italics and bold mine).
So, is there anything in Mormonism that goes directly against the Gospel found in the New Testament? Yes, many things, but let’s focus on one: Polygamy and Eternal Marriages.
Polygamy is perhaps the Mormons most radical teaching. Key point here: The Mormons no longer practice Polygamy, but they do still believe in it. They only stopped practicing it because it was against the law. Also, attached to the teaching of polygamy is that to obtain the highest level of godhead one should practice polygamy and seal the marriage for time and eternity.
Mormons will point to the Old Testament to show that God allowed polygamy in the past (Abraham, David, Solomon, etc.) I do not believe that these practice equal God’s approval, but it isn’t worth arguing with them on this point. (For instance, after Abraham takes up Hagar as a second wife, the next time God speaks to him, Abraham is circumcised. The punishment seems to fit the crime. Enough said.)
The best place to turn is Matthew 22:23-30:
“The same day Sadducees came to him, who say that there is no resurrection; and they asked him a question, saying, ‘Teacher, Moses said, “If a man dies, having no children, his brother must marry the widow, and raise up children for his brother.” Now there were seven brothers among us; the first married, and died, and having no children left his wife to his brother. So too the second and third, down to the seventh. After them all, the woman died. In the resurrection, therefore, to which of the seven will she be wife? For they all had her.’ But Jesus answered them, ‘You are wrong, because you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.’”
First, both Jesus and Sadducees makes the assumption that marriage ends with death. This is why the woman in the story can marry someone else. Second, the question is who is she married to in heaven. Jesus’ answer, no one presumably because there is no marriage. This is made clear by the fact that they will be like angels, in so far as angel aren’t married.
The Mormons might respond that since Jews didn’t seal their marriages they wouldn’t be married in heaven. But, the overall point is that there is no marriage at all in heaven whether there is a sealing or not.
The question with this verses and several others comes down to this: Who do you believe in more Jesus or Joseph Smith? Whose word is greater Jesus’ or Joseph Smith’s? Ultimately, I believe the Mormons have to answer Joseph Smith (although they would never say this). Smith gave with a greater and more complete revelation. Smith built a restored Church that would not fall away. But, this doesn’t make any sense. Why is Smith more powerful and effective then God Himself?
Plus, Smith’s actions seem to demonstrate why he was not a prophet. Several things stand out, but his marriages are the most obvious. Not only did he have polygamous marriages, but he also married 10 women who were already married. This act of adultery comes directly against anything in the Old and New Testaments. (For a full list of wives go here.)
Again, while these are ad hominem attacks, the worth of a prophet is based on the character of his message and his personal character as well. Just remember to be forthright, but also charitable when explaining these points.
I tried to be brief as possible, but it is a hard thing to do. I feel like I have just touched on the surface of this topic. Feel free to shoot me a question on this if you have any.
Here are some great resources for more information:
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Feast of the Epiphany
Today we celebrated the Epiphany, the day in which the famous three wise men, or kings, or magi, brought baby Jesus their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. While I understand the theological meaning behind the chosen gifts: gold for the king, frankincense (a type of incense) for the priest and myrrh (used in burials) for his redeeming death, I still think Mary could have used diapers, wipes and a sleep sack. Maybe Joseph used the gold to buy some at the local market.
We closed our formal Christmas festivities today with a full day of Epiphany events.
To start Bean made a birthday card for Jesus andtook it to church today to lay by the manger scene we will be delivering it to Him next time we are at church. We just cut up an old Christmas card to make the birthday card, that was easy.
The numbers stand for the new year and the letters stand for the names of the three magi, Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar; as well as Christus Mansionem Benedicat which means "Christ bless this house". The blessing is to keep away evil and to serve as a witness to the faith. When we were in college at Benedictine the monks would come around each year and bless the dorm rooms in this way at the beginning of the new year, so it's a tradition that is dear to us. You can get the blessing at Catholicculture.org.
The traditional feast of the Epiphany is January 6th, so you can still get in on the fun and celebrate later this week!
We closed our formal Christmas festivities today with a full day of Epiphany events.
To start Bean made a birthday card for Jesus and
Then this afternoon we hosted an Epiphany party with some of our friends. There was lots of food including a crown cake which you can find instructions for at this post. I'm still trying to figure out how to organize a blog, so I made a different post for it.
And we also did a crown craft for the kiddos, instructions at this post.
After the party we blessed our house with the traditional Epiphany marking...
The traditional feast of the Epiphany is January 6th, so you can still get in on the fun and celebrate later this week!
Epiphany Crown Craft
For the 3 kings we made our own crowns today at our Epiphany party.
Here's the line up:
- Yellow foam sheets
- Sparkly pipe cleaners
- Jewels and foam stickers
- Glue stick
- Scissors
- Hole punch
I was able to fit two crowns on a half sheet of foam like above.
Then I punched holes on each side and put a full length pipe cleaner on one side and a half length on the other, which was plenty big for a child's head.
After that my job was done and the kids did the rest!
Epiphany Crown Cake
I'm back with more professional cake making ideas and tips. Today's cake was inspired by brightideas.com, but I made mine out of ice cream, because...
1. It was on sale.
2. I didn't know what to do with frosted ice cream cones and no ice cream to eat it with.
2. I still have leftover regular cake from Jesus' Birthday cake.
It doesn't look as pretty as theirs, but I was working against the elements as the cake kept melting.
1. It was on sale.
2. I didn't know what to do with frosted ice cream cones and no ice cream to eat it with.
2. I still have leftover regular cake from Jesus' Birthday cake.
It doesn't look as pretty as theirs, but I was working against the elements as the cake kept melting.
Here's what you will need:
- 1 1/2 tubs of vanilla ice cream
- White frosting
- Sugar cones
- Skittles
- Fudge (I used pampered chef's Raspberry Chocolate... because I got it for free with a purchase.)
Step 1: Fill 8 cones with ice cream and put them in the freezer to set. You could also leave the cones empty and fill them with the layered ice cream when serving, which would cut down on a 1/2 tub of ice cream.
Step 2: Put 1/2 a tub of ice cream in a 8 or 9 inch pan and let set in the freezer for a few hours.
Step 3: Add a layer of fudge and let set in freezer for a few hours.
Step 4: Add another 1/2 a tub of ice cream and let set in freezer for a few hours.
Step 5: Place the pan in a tub of warm water for a few seconds to losen the ice cream so you can transfer it to a platter. If you let it get to warm this will happen...
Step 6. Let cake set for a few hours.
Step 7: Frost your ice cream cones and then place them on top of your cake... then let set for a few hours. Have you noticed trend here? To be honest a few hours was sometimes 30 minutes, it just depended on how patient I was feeling.
Step 8: Add skittles for embellishments.
Despite my over warming I was able to just remove the excess melted ice cream once it had frozen again, so it all worked in the end.