Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Good Shepherd's Garden Party: Week 6

Inspired by Jessica and Charlotte we have an Easter tradition in our home of celebrating the entire Easter season with the Garden of the Good Shepherd. The program consists of a daily prayer time in which you add a scripture inspired sticker to your garden. By the end of Easter season your scene is filled with reminders of Jesus, the good shepherd, and heaven.

This is our 3rd year having a weekly garden party at the end of each themed week. For dinner on Saturday we incorporate each sticker into our meal and talk about what we've learned from our nightly prayer time. It's a favorite tradition in our home and one that keeps the season of Easter alive.

Week 6: Oh! What a Beautiful City

Day 36: The City's Gates

For the city gates I had Bean put together some grape gates by putting three grapes on several toothpicks and then forming them into arched gates. It would have been cool to make 12 gates, like described in Revelations!

Day 37: The Temple

Shirley Temples made for a perfect fun drink to go with our dinner.

The kids asked why the drink is called a Shirley Temple, so I showed them a video of On the Good Ship Lollypop after dinner. They had many questions, such as "Wait, is this a scary movie?", "Is the plane going to crash", "Is it really safe for her to be walking around the plane?" I guess I should have just stuck with "She was a child actress". :)

Day 38: Hallelujah

Musical entertainment was provided by Handel Messiah, Hallelujah Chorus

Day 39: The Thrones

And decorations consisted of embellished thrones for all. (Courtesy of Bean.)

Days 40 and 41: The Bride and The Groom

I made bride and groom chocolate covered strawberries for our dessert. They are always a fan favorite.

Day 42: The Crowns

Finally, for our main dish I made a chicken pot pie to represent the crowns. I had hopes that the crust would hold it's shape like below, but it fell flat in the oven. Chicken pot pie is Bean's favorite meal, so no one complained and it's still round like a crown.

Only one more week to go!

Be saints, it's worth it!


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