Saturday, March 8, 2014

American Girl Unit Studies: Felicity

After thoroughly enjoying our Kaya unit study, I knew we needed to keep making our way through the AG historical dolls during our American history studies. Here is what we did for Felicity!  

Felicity Unit Study

Fiction Books

Six Book Boxed Set (Apparently I left a book out in this picture)
Very Funny Elizabeth
Traitor in Williamsburg
Peril at King's Creek
Felicity's Short Story Collection

Non-Fiction Books

To supplement our fictions stories we also read Welcome to Felicity's World and Colonial Times from A to Z. I checked out Felicity's Teachers' Guide, but didn't really use it.

We used mini books from Homeschool Share's free download and Currclick's $5.00 download (which I was able to get on sale for $1.25!) to create a Felicity lapbook. The American Girl sticker embellishments were bought at Michael's with a 40% off coupon.

Timeline and Map
Felicity found her spot on our timeline right next to Kaya and we placed her in Williamsburg, VA on our map using the same American Girl stickers that we used in our lapbook.

There is a Felicity Cook Book, so that made the cooking portion of our study dummy proof.

One suggestion they give is to have Raspberry Leaf tea because colonists used it as an alternative to the taxed tea that came over from England. We found a box at Natural Grocers, this kids didn't like the tea, but like the idea of having tea.

We also made the book's recipe for Queen's Cakes, which they specifically talk about in the Felicity play that we put on...

(The recipe calls for rose water, which we also found at Natural Grocers.)


One weekend while we were studying Felicity my extended family was over, so we took the opportunity to act out the Felicity play. We just read straight from the scripts and had fun acting it out on the fly. Bean did a great job setting the stage and the Queen's Cake made it quite authentic!

And we watched the Felicity movie that is pictured above.

There is also a Felicity's Craft Book. We decided to make a fan craft and were able to use supplies that we already had on hand. It's pretty fancy!

Online Games
And finally we played some online Felicity games at

Next up we will be studying Caroline!

Be saints, it's worth it!


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